Hotel Transylvania 3 - A Monster Vacation (Import)
Animated comedy sequel featuring the voice talents of Adam Sandler, Selena Gomez, Mel Brooks and Andy Samberg. Dracula (Sandler)'s daughter Mavis (Gomez) worries that her father works too hard to give everyone else a good vacation that he never takes any time for himself. Seeing an advert for a monster vacation, Mavis books a cruise for the whole family. On board, Dracula meets the ship's captain Ericka (Kathryn Hahn) and the two share an immediate connection, of which Mavis is dubious. When Mavis discovers that Ericka is actually a direct descendant of Abraham Van Helsing (Jim Gaffigan), Dracula's arch nemesis whom he defeated over 100 years ago, she realises she must put a stop to the relationship before it goes any further.
9.95 €