Speedboat Landing

Speedboat Landing


August 1973: A Magnum motorboat belonging to Count Filippo Theodoli arrives at the private jetty of the Il Pellicano Hotel in Porto Ercole, Italy.Marchese Fillipo Theodoli was an Italian royalty and a World War II veteran who had moved to the States in 1948 and had acted as the successful European dealer for Florida’s ”Magnum Marine” speedboats, famous for its racing boats in the 60s and the 70s. In 1976 he finally acquired the company trans- forming ”Magnum” speedboats into one of boating’s ultimate status symbols.Slim Aarons, photographed in 1973 a Magnum motorboat be- longing to Count Filippo Theodoli at the jetty of the Tuscan 5* star resort ”Il Pelicano” Hotel in Italy, in a shot that perfectly embodies the ”la dolce vita” spirit.

314.00 €